Group Homes


We have 3 group homes, including Kinash house , which offers SILP supports.  Wilson and Biggar houses have 5 - 6 participants, with wide ranging abilities. All houses have their own van for transportation to medical appointments, Day Programs and outings. 

Wheatland has received generous grants and donations over the years from the Kinsmen Telemiracle and local service groups to assist with the purchase of these van and our new bus. Historically speaking, the Wheatland Regional Centre was operated from 802-6th Street East, where we had a variety of industrial projects which our participants were able to do. These were meaningful for providing skills to participants. We used the additional revenue from this to help sustain our Day Program operations. 

While we encourage applicants from those who require services, our group homes are currently at capacity. We will place applications on file for future openings. Please contact your Social Services office for referral.